Smart software to maximise net-zero sales

Insight-driven customer experiences and powerful sales intelligence – customised to support delivery of your net-zero sales strategy.

Our partners

Some of the world's largest automotive and banking organisations use our technology for their customers

What we do

Our software solutions drive net zero sales by putting your sustainable products and services at every purchase decision. With our award-winning tech at the core, we customise the UX/UI and apply your brand identity to create world-class customer journeys. 

Advanced analytics

Give your customers a cutting-edge digital experience with tailored insights and recommendations for every Net Zero purchase.

Integrated hubs

Bring all your e-mobility and Net Zero solutions—such as charge points and solar—into one seamless platform for a streamlined customer journey.

Sales Intelligence

Empower your team with smart tools to attract new customers and uncover new revenue opportunities. Gain actionable insights to meet both immediate and future customer needs.

Technologies accessible through Diode

Our technology supports partners to maximise opportunities across the full e-mobility ecosystem including:

Electric cars & vans
EV Charging & energy
Home solar installation

Personalised, informative, impactful

Simple, intuitive, digital user journeys that increase sales

Diode unlocks a new way to reach customers ready to make the net zero switch – wherever they are in their decision journey, you’ll have all the data.

Data Collection

Combine existing data sources with simple, user-friendly surveys.


Data Analytics

Intelligent algorithms process data to create personalised energy consumption profiles.



Identify optimal technology to save money and reduce CO2 emissions.


Customer Journey

User-friendly digital tools present information in clear and digestible ways for your customers.


Partner Driven

Designed to be integrated into your existing processes, to boost sales opportunities.



Rapid development of new features to support and grow with your customers.


Our accolades

Industry awards, accelerators and grants..

Get on board with Diode

Diode facilitates an enhanced and effortless sales journey for your customers. They’ll see a fantastic, intuitive, fully digital experience; you’ll see a boost in engagement and sales conversion.

Streamline the decision journey for your customers to choose zero emission technologies

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