FleetWise, the premier marketplace for knowledge and trusted products designed to future-proof fleets have again awarded Diode their coveted Trusted Brand marque for their award winning software platform.

Diode’s, already award-winning platform, having previously won Fleet World’s “Innovation in Digital” back in April this year, and highly commended in the Business Car Awards ‘Best innovation’ category in September, is centred around advanced data analytics, driver engagement, cost, TCO and CO2 saving projections, plus charging infrastructure recommendations and more.

The platform is a fully customisable hub to help automotive companies attract new customers, increase business penetration and drive lead conversion by providing advanced sales intelligence.

Having been initially awarded the marque back in 2023, Diode have been selected again, following feedback from a panel of fleet experts carefully selected by Fleetwise. The Fleetwise 100 Trusted Brands report, now in its third year, surveys fleet opinion on over 250 brands in the fleet supply chain. With 400 respondents twice-yearly, this is an authoritative appraisal of suppliers.

The report, published in June, is the benchmark for fleet tenders and buying shortlists, comprising the only 100% fleet-endorsed list of suppliers across all core supply categories.